Project details

New CRM with Quasar


OTC Stores LLC.

I played a key role in the development and implementation of a new CRM system using Vue.js and Quasar, which completely replaced the previous outdated system. I independently developed around 70% of the functionality, including:

  • The framework and overall application architecture
  • The authentication system with automatic token refresh
  • Key components and pages: task system, client sections, orders, returns, and some reports
  • On the Symfony side: API, services, controllers, entities, and migrations, Swagger documentation was implemented

In addition, I developed a plan for a smooth transition from the old system, maintained, and optimized the system for a year after implementation.

CRM login
Login page

Task system

CRM task system

CRM task system

Customer section

CRM customer section

Refunds report

CRM refunds report

API documentation

The API documentation was created using the NelmioApiDocBundle package and OpenAPI attributes in the controllers.

API documentation

Vue 3TypeScriptQuasarSymfony